In today’s fast-paced business landscape, 客户关系管理(CRM)系统和企业资源规划(ERP)软件之间的无缝集成至关重要. 输入 IntegratorPlus*, a powerful solution offered by LBMC 技术 Solutions.

In this article, we’ll explore:

  • What IntegratorPlus is,
  • How it can benefit your business, and
  • Why it’s a game-changer for sales-to-cash processes.

What is IntegratorPlus?

IntegratorPlus是一个预先配置的集成工具,它可以弥合CRM平台与客户之间的差距 圣人Intacct, a leading cloud-based ERP system. Let’s break down what this means:

  1. CRM集成: IntegratorPlus connects your CRM (such as Microsoft Dynamics 365 or Salesforce) with 圣人Intacct. It automates the transfer of critical data, including customer information, 库存, 定价, 销售订单, 和发票. No more manual re-entry or data duplication!
  2. Two-Way Synchronization: Updates made in one system instantly reflect in the other. 想象一下,在CRM中创建一个销售订单,它就会无缝地出现在圣人Intacct中. 这种实时同步简化了操作并消除了冗余.
  3. Anywhere, Anytime Access: IntegratorPlus使您的团队能够从任何设备(pc,智能手机或平板电脑)访问数据. Whether they’re in the office or on the go, 他们可以360度全方位地了解客户互动和财务信息.

好处 of IntegratorPlus

  1. Eliminate Re-Entry and Maintenance:

Say goodbye to redundant customer data entry. IntegratorPlus确保客户信息在两个系统之间保持一致.

不再需要在屏幕或电子表格之间切换以更新销售订单. IntegratorPlus keeps everything in sync.

  1. Operational Efficiencies:



  1. Enhanced Sales and Service Effectiveness:



IntegratorPlus for Microsoft Dynamics CRM

Built on the robust Microsoft Azure platform, IntegratorPlus extends the capabilities of Microsoft Dynamics CRM.

It transfers critical data, including customer details, 库存, 定价, 合同, 销售订单, 和发票.


  • Streamlined processing,
  • Real-time updates, and
  • Simplified order submission—even while on the road.

Signs You Need IntegratorPlus

虽然客户关系管理(CRM)系统和企业资源规划(ERP)软件之间的无缝集成可能不是每个企业的优先事项, 事实证明,对于旨在优化销售到现金流程的公司来说,它是不可或缺的.

如果你的业务严重依赖于跨多个平台管理客户关系和财务数据, the introduction of IntegratorPlus could be a game-changer.


  1. Manual Data Entry and Duplication: 如果企业发现自己花费大量时间手动输入客户数据或在CRM和ERP系统之间复制信息, 他们可能会遇到IntegratorPlus可以解决的低效率问题. 这个手动过程中的挫折和潜在的错误可能是重要的痛点.
  2. Operational Inefficiencies: 在系统之间切换或依赖电子表格进行更新可能会减慢操作速度并造成瓶颈. If teams are struggling with these inefficiencies, it indicates a need for a solution like IntegratorPlus, 通过在CRM和ERP系统之间提供无缝同步来简化流程.
  3. Lack of Real-time Information: 等待手动输入或同步数据可能会导致决策延迟. 如果企业发现他们无法获得有关销售订单的实时信息, 库存, 或者财务数据, 他们可能会觉得需要像IntegratorPlus这样提供即时更新和统一信息视图的解决方案.
  4. Challenges with Remote Access: In today’s mobile work environment, 无法从任何设备访问关键数据可能会影响工作效率. 如果团队在忙碌中难以访问客户信息或处理订单, they may see IntegratorPlus’ “Anywhere, Anytime Access” feature as a valuable solution to their pain points.
  5. Difficulty in Reporting: 当数据分散在多个系统中或需要手动整合时,生成准确的报告就变得很有挑战性. 如果业务由于数据碎片化而无法及时准确地创建报告, IntegratorPlus在CRM和ERP系统之间的无缝数据流可以缓解这一痛点.
  6. Informed Decision Making: Without a unified view of customer data and financial information, businesses may struggle to make informed decisions. 如果团队觉得他们缺乏必要的洞察力来优化销售和服务效率, IntegratorPlus提供全面的数据视图的能力可以解决这个痛点.

Why Choose LBMC 技术 Solutions?

二十多年来,LBMC技术解决方案一直处于技术卓越的前沿. Here’s why we stand out:

  1. 整体分析: 我们会评估您独特的业务流程,并根据您的需求推荐解决方案.
  2. 专业知识: 我们拥有成千上万满意的客户,我们了解技术如何影响您的业务成功.
  3. Award-Winning Reseller: 我们很自豪能成为一个屡获殊荣的行业标准软件经销商.

总之, IntegratorPlus不仅仅是集成,它还能增强您的销售团队的能力, improving cash flow, and driving business growth. Ready to take your sales-to-cash processes to the next level? Explore IntegratorPlus today! 访问 LBMC 技术 Solutions.

*注:IntegratorPlus是LBMC 技术 Solutions的注册商标.


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